Thursday, May 28, 2009

Going forward in reverse.

Going forward in reverse.

The remnants of a long forgotten song echo in my head, as I stand thinking of the dark cloud’s looming in the distance I no longer can tell if it’s just a sweet summer storm or the evolution of a future filled with inclement weather. With fleeting faith in our governors and equaled faith in the humanity of spoiled children, I fear our future may be compromised. It brings into me the fear of losing my faith, which leaves me to fear the loss of love and happiness. The end of times in reality is the end of me. I would leave my seed to fend for a world that no longer wants to sustain them. I am in the hope that my one message will be heard and heeded.


Life as we know it must change. We can no longer as a species survive by taking from (Gaia = Mother Nature) without compromising our survival. So the only answer is to control ourselves. Not our governments not our religions, but ourselves. We must go back in time (go reverse) and pick a point in history that we lived in harmony with nature and dissect it. Review it. Analyze it. Apply our modern technical advances and begin to re-live it. We must go forward into our future but in reverse. This is all a state of mind that will begin to change the state of our environment, and as I suspect (and hope) our state of existence. This will force leaders and religions to look for the total health of our species, Instead of just their own and their constituents


Look to our past for the answers.
Live in harmony with Gaia.
No matter what the situation is the answer is the humanity of life, for all people.
All you need is love.
Fix It. And if it’s un-fixable then repair it.
Believe that they believe they are right. And have faith in their conviction.
Make room for all life in your life. (Not just human)
Stop and stare at the stars (look beyond the boundaries of your life)
Shoot for Pluto, if you get to the moon you have succeeded. But only if you continue to shoot for Pluto.
To truly succeed you must do everything you can for the greater good.
A true goal is one that you may never succeed but continually move towards.

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